
Showing posts from December, 2008

The list.......updated

Well, Plowbaby got a pretty good haul for Christmas. In fact, I think there are more toys and games in my livingroom than at ToysRUs and Wal-Mart! It was a great day. I wish I could keep her 3 forever. This was such a fun year to watch her, she really "got it" this year. Not only did she "get" the presents/Santa part, she really got the Christmas story of Baby Jesus and His birth. It was soooo cool to hear her re-tell the story in her own 3 year old version. Let's see, we'll do a check list of her list: Hungry, Hungry Hippos game...... CHECK Color Wonder Magic Brush........ CHECK (Santa) EleFun Game....... CHECK (Santa) TinkerBell Movie....... CHECK been watching that one every nite before bed Barbie Holiday Movie with the Diamond Castle Movie My Little Pony Ferris Wheel Scooby Doo House Game Barbie Peek-a-Boo Candy Land....... CHECK Lucky Ducks....... CHECK a digital camera........ CHECK you'll see a blog about this one coming soon! :) But t...

Away in a Manger

With today being Christmas, you should not be surprised that the major celebrities have taken the day off. Yep, you're stuck with a guest blogger! This is plowboy, and I've been assigned the task of getting some pictures up, so here you go!

I'm dreaming of..................

a pink Christmas????? Yes, we have a pink tree this year. You can guess whose room it is in! This will probably be the only tree I put up this year.....and that's just fine with me. Since the contents of the basement went into storage for the duration of "the project", this included the Christmas stuff and the tree. I spent some time in the storage unit today digging out a few essentials. Plowbaby was estatic when I returned home with her Fisher-Price Little People Nativity set. and a quick basement was the carpenter's last day here. The new west wall, and the stair wall are now drywalled and taped. Now I need to get busy and start hauling out the construction remnants and cleaning. Next up: paint. Anyone want to volunteer to help paint??? happy trails, and stay warm! plowgirl

The visit

Last night was our annual Young Farmers Christmas party. Santa arrived after we were finished eating. The kiddos were so excited! All of them lined up to tell Santa of the newest, greatest, most hip, fab toy out there on their list. (Not to mention the most expensive!) There were losts of Wii's and X-Boxes, and PlayStations mentioned. I'm glad we're not at the stage yet, and Plowbaby will be happy with a $12 Hungry Hungry Hippos Game! The evening was a success, and we had a fun time eating and conversing with friends.

The List

I'm sure those of you who have kiddos have seen their Wish Lists. Plowbaby has been working on hers for several weeks now. Every commercial that is on TV gets the response "Add that to my list too!" She is told that she can add to the List, but that doesn't mean that she gets everything on the List. So far the List looks like this: Hungry, Hungry Hippos game Color Wonder Magic Brush EleFun Game TinkerBell Movie Barbie Holiday Movie with the Diamond Castle Movie My Little Pony Ferris Wheel Scooby Doo House Game Barbie Peek-a-Boo Candy Land Lucky Ducks a digital camera She is getting a few of the things on the list, but NOT ALL!!!! My list is much smaller: more Fiestaware and a new pair of cowboy boots. Of course, I'd settle for : the kitchen sink faucet to be replaced, the bathtub spout to quit dripping, someone to texture and paint the "new" walls in the basement, ahhhh, this list could go on for miles! What do you want Santa to bring you this year? H...

Catching up is hard tooooo doooo

(title sung to the tune of "Breakin' up is hard to do" by Neil Sedaka! My cold wasn't nearly as gone as I thought it was in the last post. The morning after we returned home, Plowboy took Plowbaby and I to Urgent Care. A couple hundred dollars and many drugs later, we are finally on the mend. The "vacation" that Plowbaby and I took was for a week back "home" to my Dad's. My brother lives in Portland, Ore and only gets "home" once a year.....and it revolves around chasing birds! He brought his girls along on the trip. They are 9 and 6, and are the best little travelers. My sister also visited and left her daughter for the weekend. So we had 4 girls, ages 9,8,6 and 3 all together under the same roof! It was a blast for the cousins to get to know each other. They had so much fun playing dress up, rock concert, doing craft projects, playing tea party, and just generally being wild! On Sunday, the 4 of them sang a special song in ...