
Showing posts from 2010

A day in the life......................

of me......during planting season. Most days go something like this: Up and at 'em after the "birthday's" on the morning show. (Ok, so 6:47 isn't really that early in the whole scheme of things!) Check email, facebook, newspapers. Off to a shower. Wake up Plowbaby and Plowboy, and get both moving. (not necessarily an easy feat!) Change the channel to "toonies" for Plowbaby, and try to get her to eat some breakfast and change her clothes and get ready for work/school. The goal is for her and I to be out the door BY 9. Again, I know....not real early.....but YOU haven't tried to get Miss Pokey around in the morning! Also in the mean time, get some laundry going, and dishes cleaned up from the night before. Drive up to the farm (or the last field from last night) to find the empty NH3 tanks from the night before. Hook up and head toward AgChoice. This is if I haven't already been sent on 3 other missions, before even hooking up the first t...

Crash, boom, bang...........ugh (and a few recipe anecdotes)

Well, I had great intentions of blogging a new recipe each week until we got back into the field for corn planting. Yeah, right! laptop CRASHED a week and a half ago. I miss it. I miss it dearly. My friend the computer guru says it's either a power issue or the motherboard is bad. I did her recommended steps, and have determined that the motherboard is the culprit. I'm hoping that we can resurrect it by making one working computer out of 2 non-working ones. Here's to hoping the spare one has a good motherboard! Meanwhile, I'm using plowbaby's eMac that Santa brought her for Christmas. It's almost like learning all over again. I have a very STRONG dislike for the one button mouse, and thinking backward about how to do execute an operation is about more than my feeble brain can handle! But our recipes are done and the pictures are taken. I just have yet to figure out how to download pictures onto the mac. Easy Chocolate Eclair "cake...

Italian Love Cake .... oooooo la la

It has come to my attention that there has been too much time lapse between my blogs.....well, here is a foodie blog. I came across this recipe on . It looked just too good, so I had to try it out. It is easy and decadent. But give yourself at least a day before you want to serve this dessert, it needs time in the fridge. The cast of characters and step by step directions: Preheat oven to 350*. One box of cake mix.....chocolate. I used chocolate fudge, but I read that German chocolate is good also. Make cake batter according to package directions. cake batter Next step: 4 eggs, 2 pints ricotta cheese, 1 tsp. vanilla and 3/4 c. white sugar (I'm thinking marscapone would be HEAVENLY!!!) second layer Put the cake batter in a greased 9x13 pan. Carefully pour and spread the cheese mixture over the cake batter. It will look something like this: It looks something like this after cooking for 75 minutes. Depending upon your oven, it might need just a little long...

SNOW! and an update

Well, it finally decided to really, honest-to-goodness snow ! For almost a week, the weathermen have been predicting a strong winter storm for yesterday and today. It was going to be as bad as the one we had over Christmas. This morning we awoke to about an inch of the white stuff, and NO SCHOOL? What the heck were they inch? Kids go out and play in this stuff, surely they can go to school!! About 30 minutes ago, the flakes got HUGE, and thick. I just wish the picture reflected how big the flakes actually are! It really is a pretty snow, and afterall, I don't have to get out in it, so it really doesn't affect me!!! There is a pot of chili on to cook, and there would be cinny rolls too if'n I had a mixer! :) Enjoy your snow day, plowgirl This is what the yard looks like now that the snow has ceased falling!

Bowls, bowls, everywhere there is bowls

I like mixing/serving bowls.....i mean, I REALLY like bowls!!! I'd like to show you a few of my favorites. Of course, bowls are just one of the kitchen accessories that I like.....dishes in general are something that I like to collect. Along with antiques, and primitives. This is the kitchen cabinet that I acquired about a year ago. I've wanted one of these for years.....just had to wait for the right one to come along! Mom had one similar to this, but hers was bigger and all wood, and had more drawers in it. This was an eBay find, and thanks to my friend Bryan for picking it up and storing it for me for a couple of months! The left and the center bowls are currently my favorites. The left one I purchased on an auction from a church that was closing. The center one was a gift from my friend Judy. Both are used for raising dough....the left one for pizza and the center for cinnamon roll dough. I LOVE the center bowl just for the size of is HUGE! Love to have l...

Christmas Program 2009

"I wonder if his mother Mary baked him a birthday cake"