
Showing posts from March, 2010

Crash, boom, bang...........ugh (and a few recipe anecdotes)

Well, I had great intentions of blogging a new recipe each week until we got back into the field for corn planting. Yeah, right! laptop CRASHED a week and a half ago. I miss it. I miss it dearly. My friend the computer guru says it's either a power issue or the motherboard is bad. I did her recommended steps, and have determined that the motherboard is the culprit. I'm hoping that we can resurrect it by making one working computer out of 2 non-working ones. Here's to hoping the spare one has a good motherboard! Meanwhile, I'm using plowbaby's eMac that Santa brought her for Christmas. It's almost like learning all over again. I have a very STRONG dislike for the one button mouse, and thinking backward about how to do execute an operation is about more than my feeble brain can handle! But our recipes are done and the pictures are taken. I just have yet to figure out how to download pictures onto the mac. Easy Chocolate Eclair "cake...