Playing Catch-Up

So this is my first attempt at a blog. First off, I have to tell you that I'm not a great writer. I tend to write like I speak. Speak first, think later!

Part of the reason in creating this blog is so I will have an archive of what's happening on the farm, of Ainsley growing up, and for the immediate future, a way to show friends and family the "mess we have with our house".

Yes, I mean MESS. And no, I don't mean my housekeeping ability. We have a slight problem with our basement. Parts of the walls are cracked and falling in. Therefore, we (Mark) has excavated the earth from around the west side of the house, and we (Mark and the concrete guys) will be breaking out and re-pouring new walls. This should be an interesting experience. (I think I will go on an extended vacation until it's over!!!) I have taken tons of pictures and video, and hope to post them also.

But for now, this post is a catch-up post.

Let's go back about a month or so.

June 6th: unbeknownest to me, someone scammed my credit card online
June 12th: Mark, Ainz and I were on our way to Wichita to the zoo and my credit card company calls and alerts me that there is some suspicious activity on my account. Close down card, no biggie, will deal with it when I get home. Had a great trip to the zoo. (Blog about that later!) Upon leaving the zoo, we were rear-ended. Thank goodness we were in the new Dodge truck. We also happened to have the car trailer on behind us. Noone was hurt, but the trailer is no longer in the Viets Brothers line-up of equipment!, and the Honda Civic that hit us was TOAST! The Dodge didn't even get a scratch, altho, it will be getting a new Deweeze bed to replace the new Deweeze bed that was on it.

Also that week, we had plumbing problems in the basement and it rained, so the basement flooded twice. I was ready to fly off to a tropical island and not look back!

Edited to add that: This same week, the microwave blew up, the heating element of my oven went out and I was down to 2 working burners on my stovetop. AND I HAD THIS CATERING JOB COMING UP!!!!

The last week of June had Vacation Bible School at our church and I catered a reunion in Augusta.

The first week of July was fun. Mark was busy planting beans, and we watched several different fireworks displays. Joni, Travis and Sophia came out to the Farm on the 4th, and the girls had fun swimming and doing fireworks.

Last week was Ainsley's 3rd birthday. I have some good cake pics for a blog! And she had a great party up at Grandma's house.

This week is Vacation Bible School in at Trinity, and Ainz is really enjoying it. And I got wrangled into helping too. The County Fair is a week and a half away, so I am busy gearing up for that. This weekend is also the Four States Farm Show. We will have to attend at least 2 of the 3 days!!

Well, this is the end of my first blog. I also have a myspace site that you can check out. It hasn't been updated since May, but there are lots of good Ainz pics on there. It is As soon as I figure out how to post pics on here, there will be lots more blogs with progression of the Basement Project.

Happy Trails,


dutchgirl said…
It rained!! I'm happy but I'm sure you would rather have a long spell of dry weather!

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