Incoherent ramblings!
Yet again it's been a few weeks since I've blogged. So pardon with me while I just ramble thru yet another "catch up" post.
Basement........I've started working on the basement. The construction remnants are now removed (most of them anyway, I am waiting on M and the guys to remove the beams that held up the house while the walls were out). The goal for this week is to get the bleach treatment on the walls and floor finished. Hope to get the dry-lock paint on them next week. Then I need to figure out what color/texture will go on next. I've changed my mind so many times I can't keep up with myself! I'm open to leave me some email, or comments!!! (Especially if you've been thru a flood and have/had water issues. I'm not convinced that this "fix" was actually a fix, and that the basement will be dry.) AND, we are STILL waiting on the mason to come back and put the brick back on the naked house. When it rains from the west, we ARE NOT waterproof.....which means that the rain comes in around the windows, and onto the new drywall and the new window sills. I'm not such a happy camper when that happens!!
Plowboy...........January saw Plowboy's 40th birthday. We went to KC for the weekend and had a BLAST! It was the same weekend as the NewAgtalk Gathering. The Gathering was located in the Legends area of KC, so there were plenty of activities to do. But mainly, we all just hung around and visited and had a good time. It was a weekend of late nights, and much laughter. We are so blessed to be able to finally meet fellow NAT'ers in person.
Plowbaby...............she informed Plowboy the other night that "I get lonely when Mommy is gone"! Apparantley I've had too many meetings/activities the last few nights. She has "had" to spend time with Grandma and Terry, then Pb brings her home and puts her to bed.
However, when she and I pulled tanks all day on Tuesday, she'd had enough of that by 4 o'clock and "demanded" to be left at the farm with Grandma!
Farming..........we've started running gas, which means that life is getting ready to gear up real fast. I enjoy being out and pulling tanks, altho my body isn't used to this much work! I'm ready for corn planting......I feel much better when we're busy and have things to do. And the fact that I like to work with the guys and be a "part" of things on the farm.
Me................I now have a booth in the Antique/flea market in Parsons. The inventory is a little bit of everything. I'm trying to sell some of Plowbaby's "higher end/better" clothing, and some of the stuff I've collected over the years. A person can only have so much "stuff" before it drives them CRAZY!!! :) Sister-in-law Terry also has some things in there also. She is DEFINATELY a "collector-of-things"!
I also had my yearly check up on Monday. Doc says I'm fit as a fiddle. But, when he asked when my last mammo was and if there was any history of breast cancer in the family, a big RED light went on over his head when he heard my answers. (Too long ago, and Mom died from breast cancer and Mom's sister has also had breast cancer). So needless to say, I "get" to have a mammo. When the nurse came back in and told me the appointment day, I had to ask her to repeat it. The appointment is scheduled for the day that would have been Mom's 62nd birthday. I hope she is looking down on me that day and sending me some good luck.
An update on our friend Rolan.............thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for him. A little background here.......Rolan is 12 and the son of our friends Loran and Brenda. He was rushed to University of Iowa Hospital with what was thought to be a brain aneurysm back in January. As it has turned out, he has a pineoblastoma. Which is a brain tumor near the pineal gland. He is currently undergoing radiation therapy and chemo. He has a few weeks of radiation left, and a year of chemo left. He (and his parents) are the strongest people I think I have met. Rolan is doing great, rolling with the punches and taking life as it is handed to him. He got a Wii before he was released from the hospital and had the nurses and doctors playing Wii bowling in his hospital room!!! What a kid! Please keep their family in your prayers.
Rolan and his family were supposed to attend the NAT Gathering in KC with us in January, since they were unable to attend, I made Rolan a John Deere quilt and had the Gathering attendees sign it for him.
I forgot to take a pic of it with my "real camera" so here is the pic from my phone.

It's Thursday and time for me to get on the road to Thursday lunch...............chicken and noodles day!
Happy trails
Basement........I've started working on the basement. The construction remnants are now removed (most of them anyway, I am waiting on M and the guys to remove the beams that held up the house while the walls were out). The goal for this week is to get the bleach treatment on the walls and floor finished. Hope to get the dry-lock paint on them next week. Then I need to figure out what color/texture will go on next. I've changed my mind so many times I can't keep up with myself! I'm open to leave me some email, or comments!!! (Especially if you've been thru a flood and have/had water issues. I'm not convinced that this "fix" was actually a fix, and that the basement will be dry.) AND, we are STILL waiting on the mason to come back and put the brick back on the naked house. When it rains from the west, we ARE NOT waterproof.....which means that the rain comes in around the windows, and onto the new drywall and the new window sills. I'm not such a happy camper when that happens!!
Plowboy...........January saw Plowboy's 40th birthday. We went to KC for the weekend and had a BLAST! It was the same weekend as the NewAgtalk Gathering. The Gathering was located in the Legends area of KC, so there were plenty of activities to do. But mainly, we all just hung around and visited and had a good time. It was a weekend of late nights, and much laughter. We are so blessed to be able to finally meet fellow NAT'ers in person.
Plowbaby...............she informed Plowboy the other night that "I get lonely when Mommy is gone"! Apparantley I've had too many meetings/activities the last few nights. She has "had" to spend time with Grandma and Terry, then Pb brings her home and puts her to bed.
However, when she and I pulled tanks all day on Tuesday, she'd had enough of that by 4 o'clock and "demanded" to be left at the farm with Grandma!
Farming..........we've started running gas, which means that life is getting ready to gear up real fast. I enjoy being out and pulling tanks, altho my body isn't used to this much work! I'm ready for corn planting......I feel much better when we're busy and have things to do. And the fact that I like to work with the guys and be a "part" of things on the farm.
Me................I now have a booth in the Antique/flea market in Parsons. The inventory is a little bit of everything. I'm trying to sell some of Plowbaby's "higher end/better" clothing, and some of the stuff I've collected over the years. A person can only have so much "stuff" before it drives them CRAZY!!! :) Sister-in-law Terry also has some things in there also. She is DEFINATELY a "collector-of-things"!
I also had my yearly check up on Monday. Doc says I'm fit as a fiddle. But, when he asked when my last mammo was and if there was any history of breast cancer in the family, a big RED light went on over his head when he heard my answers. (Too long ago, and Mom died from breast cancer and Mom's sister has also had breast cancer). So needless to say, I "get" to have a mammo. When the nurse came back in and told me the appointment day, I had to ask her to repeat it. The appointment is scheduled for the day that would have been Mom's 62nd birthday. I hope she is looking down on me that day and sending me some good luck.
An update on our friend Rolan.............thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for him. A little background here.......Rolan is 12 and the son of our friends Loran and Brenda. He was rushed to University of Iowa Hospital with what was thought to be a brain aneurysm back in January. As it has turned out, he has a pineoblastoma. Which is a brain tumor near the pineal gland. He is currently undergoing radiation therapy and chemo. He has a few weeks of radiation left, and a year of chemo left. He (and his parents) are the strongest people I think I have met. Rolan is doing great, rolling with the punches and taking life as it is handed to him. He got a Wii before he was released from the hospital and had the nurses and doctors playing Wii bowling in his hospital room!!! What a kid! Please keep their family in your prayers.
Rolan and his family were supposed to attend the NAT Gathering in KC with us in January, since they were unable to attend, I made Rolan a John Deere quilt and had the Gathering attendees sign it for him.
I forgot to take a pic of it with my "real camera" so here is the pic from my phone.

It's Thursday and time for me to get on the road to Thursday lunch...............chicken and noodles day!
Happy trails
Great to see you blogging again, now if we just get you hooked on Skype you'll never have time to WORK 8^)