I've been missed?????
It's come to my attention that apparantly the blog has been missed. Some of you think I fell off the face of the Earth, some think I "cinnamon rolled" myself into oblivion, and I'm sure the majority of you are right on........I'm just flat too lazy to blog!!
Alot has happened since the last entry.
The brick on the house is finished - and it looks AWESOME! I have pics somewhere to post.
The corn got planted , and re-planted.
It rained ALOT!!!!!
The basement got almost finished painted. We (I) have the floor to clean and then (he) will finish painting it. No pics yet. (On my to-do list)
For my birthday, I got to go to the Willie Nelson concert in Salina.......can you say SO TOTALLY AWESOME!!?? And on the way home, I picked up an antique "hoosier-type" cabinet that a friend had been storing for me. (Pictures of both coming)
Plowbaby and I had our pictures taken as a Father's Day present. (Hope to post some of them soon).
I got a new-to-me car......unfortunately, NOT the one pictured in a previous entry. But really nice none the less!!! I will leave that one as a separate blog!!!
I joined the At Home America team. (Home-based business selling home decorating items.) www.athome.com/kviets
I attended my 20th year class reunion, and had a BLAST! Pictures are on FaceBook.
That was Memorial Weekend, so I also got to spend the weekend with my family. Memorial weekend has always been a special time for my family. I enjoy going out to the cemetaries and seeing the gravesites of my ancestors. One of the cemetaries has my great-great-great-great grandparents in it. And I may be a little bit weird, but I also like to go out to Prairie Grove and say "Hi" to my Mom and have a little chat with her.
Sidebar: After the conclusion of the Military Services at Prairie Grove, Plowbaby and I were walking back to my car to leave. I decided to go say "Bye" to Mom. While walking over to her grave, I said "I sure miss you Mommy", and Plowbaby looks up at me and says "It's OK Mommy, you've got me". Out of the mouths of babes. How an almost-4-year-old knew exactly what I needed to hear, is beyond me.
Two weeks later, we headed back out to central Ks for the wedding of my cousin Pete. Pete and Sara had a BEAUTIFUL outdoor wedding at a sporting clays lodge near Russell, Ks. My brother was back for the wedding and it was good to get to see him, even tho for a short amount of time. I sure do miss him and the girls.
It rained some more.
Plowbaby attended day camp at the Preschool where she will be attending this fall. It was "gardening camp" that week. She really liked it and had alot of fun.
Finally dried up enough to plant beans ....... the same week we were supposed to go to Iowa on vacation. The beans got planted, and the vacation will have to take a rain check. I also made numerous pans of cinnamon rolls that week. Froze them, then over-nighted them to Iowa since I couldn't be there for Rolan's Benefit/NAT Gathering in person.
We finished up bean planting last Monday evening. But there were 2 places that didn't get done, because they had had cattle on them, and were too hard and dry to plant. We had a little shower here yesterday, so Plowboy finished them up today.
For Fourth of July, we went to my niece Joni's. Had a BLAST! Plowbaby loves playing with her cousins. Lots of good food, good family and friends and good times. Makes for great memories. On the way home, we stopped in Pittsburg to watch their fireworks display. Plowbaby declared it to be "SPECTACULAR!!!"

(She had just taken a big bite of broccoli when Joni snapped this pic!)
Today was spent recovering from the Fourth festivities, and enjoying the lower temperatures. I also did some yardwork outside.
What does the rest of the month bring? Well, Plowbaby has vacation bible school for the next 2 weeks, she also has been going to Summer Storytime at the Library on Tuesdays. Her birthday is this weekend. So I have ALOT to do before this weekend!
The Four State Farm Show is the next weekend. And then the county fair will be starting the next week. Since I'm on Fairboard, there is alot to be done for that also.
And after the fair......school will be starting in 10 days. UGH. I'm not ready!
Hope everyone has been having a great summer!!!
Happy trails
Alot has happened since the last entry.
The brick on the house is finished - and it looks AWESOME! I have pics somewhere to post.
The corn got planted , and re-planted.
It rained ALOT!!!!!
The basement got almost finished painted. We (I) have the floor to clean and then (he) will finish painting it. No pics yet. (On my to-do list)
For my birthday, I got to go to the Willie Nelson concert in Salina.......can you say SO TOTALLY AWESOME!!?? And on the way home, I picked up an antique "hoosier-type" cabinet that a friend had been storing for me. (Pictures of both coming)
Plowbaby and I had our pictures taken as a Father's Day present. (Hope to post some of them soon).
I got a new-to-me car......unfortunately, NOT the one pictured in a previous entry. But really nice none the less!!! I will leave that one as a separate blog!!!
I joined the At Home America team. (Home-based business selling home decorating items.) www.athome.com/kviets
I attended my 20th year class reunion, and had a BLAST! Pictures are on FaceBook.
That was Memorial Weekend, so I also got to spend the weekend with my family. Memorial weekend has always been a special time for my family. I enjoy going out to the cemetaries and seeing the gravesites of my ancestors. One of the cemetaries has my great-great-great-great grandparents in it. And I may be a little bit weird, but I also like to go out to Prairie Grove and say "Hi" to my Mom and have a little chat with her.
Sidebar: After the conclusion of the Military Services at Prairie Grove, Plowbaby and I were walking back to my car to leave. I decided to go say "Bye" to Mom. While walking over to her grave, I said "I sure miss you Mommy", and Plowbaby looks up at me and says "It's OK Mommy, you've got me". Out of the mouths of babes. How an almost-4-year-old knew exactly what I needed to hear, is beyond me.
Two weeks later, we headed back out to central Ks for the wedding of my cousin Pete. Pete and Sara had a BEAUTIFUL outdoor wedding at a sporting clays lodge near Russell, Ks. My brother was back for the wedding and it was good to get to see him, even tho for a short amount of time. I sure do miss him and the girls.
It rained some more.
Plowbaby attended day camp at the Preschool where she will be attending this fall. It was "gardening camp" that week. She really liked it and had alot of fun.
Finally dried up enough to plant beans ....... the same week we were supposed to go to Iowa on vacation. The beans got planted, and the vacation will have to take a rain check. I also made numerous pans of cinnamon rolls that week. Froze them, then over-nighted them to Iowa since I couldn't be there for Rolan's Benefit/NAT Gathering in person.
We finished up bean planting last Monday evening. But there were 2 places that didn't get done, because they had had cattle on them, and were too hard and dry to plant. We had a little shower here yesterday, so Plowboy finished them up today.
For Fourth of July, we went to my niece Joni's. Had a BLAST! Plowbaby loves playing with her cousins. Lots of good food, good family and friends and good times. Makes for great memories. On the way home, we stopped in Pittsburg to watch their fireworks display. Plowbaby declared it to be "SPECTACULAR!!!"

(She had just taken a big bite of broccoli when Joni snapped this pic!)
Today was spent recovering from the Fourth festivities, and enjoying the lower temperatures. I also did some yardwork outside.
What does the rest of the month bring? Well, Plowbaby has vacation bible school for the next 2 weeks, she also has been going to Summer Storytime at the Library on Tuesdays. Her birthday is this weekend. So I have ALOT to do before this weekend!
The Four State Farm Show is the next weekend. And then the county fair will be starting the next week. Since I'm on Fairboard, there is alot to be done for that also.
And after the fair......school will be starting in 10 days. UGH. I'm not ready!
Hope everyone has been having a great summer!!!
Happy trails
She looks familiar. lol.