The end of one chapter, but the beginning of another
Well, yesterday was the last day of me being a mom to a baby. Today, she started preschool. "I'm a big girl now Mom" is quite a common saying for her now.
On Monday we went school supply shopping, bought new tennis shoes at Payless, and had lunch at her favorite place - Applebee's.
Tuesday, I spent the day convincing her that she IS going to preschool! "I'm not ready was her reply". I told her that I'd already paid for school, so SOMEONE in this household IS going to school! She thought that maybe Dad should go! But, I reminded her that Dad has to work, to which she replied that then I could go. When I told her that she would have to stay here alone, and I expected her to do laundry, dishes and have supper ready when I got home from preschool, she started reconsidering her options!
Later in the day, her teacher Miss Barb called and visited with her a bit. That seemed to do the trick! After their conversation, she went to her room and picked out her outfit to wear for the first day, then she packed her new backpack.

And today was the big day. She wanted both of us to take her to school, but first we had to go to Peppermill (local diner) for lunch. She ate a good lunch, and was ready to get to Miss Barb's. I think it was harder on Dad to leave her, than me. He doesn't want his little girl to grow up.
At the end of the day, she had had a GREAT day, and was just simply giddy when I picked her up! There are a few kids in her class that she already knows, so she was excited about that. She was especially excited that her buddy Trey is in her class!! She is ready to go back on Friday! Horray!
Now Mom can go back to work! (part-time at least!)

On Monday we went school supply shopping, bought new tennis shoes at Payless, and had lunch at her favorite place - Applebee's.
Tuesday, I spent the day convincing her that she IS going to preschool! "I'm not ready was her reply". I told her that I'd already paid for school, so SOMEONE in this household IS going to school! She thought that maybe Dad should go! But, I reminded her that Dad has to work, to which she replied that then I could go. When I told her that she would have to stay here alone, and I expected her to do laundry, dishes and have supper ready when I got home from preschool, she started reconsidering her options!
Later in the day, her teacher Miss Barb called and visited with her a bit. That seemed to do the trick! After their conversation, she went to her room and picked out her outfit to wear for the first day, then she packed her new backpack.
The outfit
And today was the big day. She wanted both of us to take her to school, but first we had to go to Peppermill (local diner) for lunch. She ate a good lunch, and was ready to get to Miss Barb's. I think it was harder on Dad to leave her, than me. He doesn't want his little girl to grow up.
At the end of the day, she had had a GREAT day, and was just simply giddy when I picked her up! There are a few kids in her class that she already knows, so she was excited about that. She was especially excited that her buddy Trey is in her class!! She is ready to go back on Friday! Horray!
Now Mom can go back to work! (part-time at least!)