Stopping to smell the roses............I am so blessed

I received an email this week. It was not a particularly nice email. But it did make me stop and think.

It made me stop and think about how wonderful of a life I do lead, and to appreciate the “small” and the big things in life. I have a great husband, a beautiful, joyous daughter (even if she does drive me slightly crazy!), and a nice house. I drive a nice car. I’ve not had to work, but it’s something I enjoy.

I have a wonderful family. And I’m not just talking about “my” family, but my in-laws. We all farm together. I’ll admit, some days it’s hard. We can get on each other’s nerves. But we do work well together. I have the.BEST. in-laws. EVER!!!! They have become as close to me as my own family. I honestly do not know what I’d do without them.

Friends….I am so blessed to have many friends. Hubby says I know more people in our community than he does, and he’s lived here all his life! We have a GREAT core group of friends. We all share common goals, beliefs, values and attitudes. I am reminded of when I spent a month in the hospital back in ’05. My girlfriends were there for me thru thick and thin. There are the 2 girls who stayed with me thru the hardest nights so hubby could have a break, and the girls who came over and cleaned my house, knowing I would not be returning home for some time. Hey they even cleaned out my refrigerator!! They brought their husbands along, and the guys mowed the yard, and weed-eated. We could not have gotten thru that tough time without the help of our friends and family. And for that they all have my deepest gratitude.

Community…..I’m also blessed to live in a wonderful community. Some years ago, I was visiting with a lady who worked down the street from me. We were discussing our town, and the changes that were taking place. She said to me “There are so many takers in our community, I just want to give back as much as I possibly can.” That really struck a cord with me. And from that day on, I decided I was going to be a “giver”. Currently, I serve on the FairBoard, and donate my time and energy to help prepare for the annual county Fair. I also belong to a Young Farm Wives group. Again, serving our community in whatever capacity that is needed. Five years ago, my friend Debbie and I started serving lunch on Thursday at our church. What a tremendous success this outreach program has become. Our “staff” of 6 serves approximately 55-80 people each Thursday. And to think, one sentence sparked my “giver” attitude. Thank You Bette, may God rest your beautiful soul.

And to wrap this up, yes, I suppose it looks like I live a “charmed” life. But it isn’t perfect. We all have our ups and our downs, our trials and tribulations; it’s just what we CHOOSE to do with these that count. Like Aunt Virginia used to tell me….when life hands you lemons, go make lemonade!

And in the words of another friend "I am proud of the life I have and I want others to know how blessed I feel for it."

Have a wonderful and blessed day.



Rich said…
Well written.

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