Hellllllooooo there!!!

Maybe I should start this up again?  Quite a bit has changed since my last entry!

Plowbaby is now 14, and a Freshman in HS.   HS, now being a relative term.  Teachers are still teaching, however, she is learning from my desk in the corner of the living room.  I'm not going to claim to be home schooling.  I'm not.    I'm not teaching Algebra, English, Physical Science, Band, or Business or formal Ag or PE.  However, she's getting a very healthy dose of real-life ag and PE since she's home, and old enough to help on the farm.  She's getting a dose of real life Business too, as she's having to learn how to market her farm fresh chicken eggs.

Oh yes, did I just mention farm fresh chicken eggs???  She has 7 hens that are laying, and one rooster of the same age.   We constructed a brooder and now have 22 baby chicks in 3 different age stages.  The oldest - 3 Sapphire Gems and 3 Asian Blacks are 6 weeks old.  (I'm hoping for no cold spell next week, and they can go to an outside pen).  The next batch are 4 weeks old, and are mostly Easter Eggers and 2 Alstrolorps.  The last batch isn't quite a week old yet, and there are 2 Cinnamon Queens and 2 Barred Rocks.  We like colorful chickens and colorful eggs!

These are the newest of the baby chicks.  They just crack me up!  Such little personalities.  Chickens are so much fun!

That's it for tonight.  If I write too much at a time, I won't have enough left for any more posts! LOL


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